Daily Dispatch 39 - Kendrick, P2P vs B2C, Nassim vs Lex

This is what's up this week:

Kendrick Lamar is a notetaking GOD and how that plays out in his creativity

We normally have this idea that great content is created by a writer sitting down and working from 9 am say 12o clock and writing as much as they want in that time. Trying to squeeze in that last ounce of creative juice at a very specific time of the day.

Kendrick has a different approach. He takes note of everything around him, he describes his process as  "soaking in the vibe" and then writing down ideas the moment they are still fresh in his mind.

He then lets his brain gestate on those ideas and then spits out record-winning albums.

Why do P2P businesses fail where B2C succeed?

We have all heard of companies that started off as businesses that allow one person to rent one of their resources to another, be it cars, computers and etc.

However, since the asset is owned by an individual we need to take into account insurance in case of damage to the goods.

On the other side, we have companies that own assets and rent them to users, such as renting cars per hour, computers to companies, etc.

Where does the difference lie?

It's all risk analysis, it's far greater to come up with a risk analysis for multiple users owning lots and lots of different goods in very different conditions (used, brand new, damaged, damaged beyond repair) than having its own storage of goods.

Risk analysis, ergo "trying to predict future fails" tends to be a very complex business. So, we need to reduce uncertainty, and one of the first steps is to either limit the sort of goods being rented, reduce the source of those goods, or both.

Why Lex Fridman's book list isn't good enough for Nassim

We've seen some back-and-forth between Lex Fridman and Nassim Taleb this week. On one side we get Nassim a self-proclaimed "flaneur" (as the opposite of a tourist, flaneurs go deep into one thing at a time with care and attention) and another side we get Lex who wants to mechanize and automate his life.

Nassim's approach to reading is one guided by curiosity instead of trying to fit into an agenda and "read the right books to talk to the right people". He takes offense at people reading a book just to say they read it, instead of to enjoy it.