πŸ‘€ A quick look at my Publishing Schedule

After I joined the Ghost's Creator Community Writing program last month, I started mapping out some stuff on how I chose to do things around here.

Content Funnel

  • Free posts are every Wednesday and normally take a long time to finish (I've got a great reviewer but even he can't review in seconds hahaha).

  • I've also been entertaining shorter posts for weeks in between long posts.

  • So far all my content is free, and I think it's going to be like this for at least a year before I get enough traction to charge for it, or maybe it will be free forever and I'll earn through affiliate marketing on products I actually enjoy. The future is unknown with regard to that.

Analytics Results

My Google Analytics page

Growth Milestones

  • My goal is to hit 50 email subscribers by June 2023.

  • I'll be testing more types of content till then now that I have a more forgiving audience.

This is it for this week, I know it ain't much, but until November 15th I'm really running against the time.

During my off-work hours, I'm helping my robotics university team to finish a robot to compete in November at SΓ£o Paulo's Campus Party. Until then, the posts are going to be this short, unfortunately.

I am very excited about the next post of my Intelligent Investments series though.

In the meanwhile, do check out the previous posts if you haven't already:

And keep an eye out for a Halloween post if you like short horror stories. πŸ™ˆ

That is it and I will see you at the next one πŸ˜œβ˜•

πŸ˜— Enjoy my writing?

Forward to a friend and let them know where they can subscribe (hint: it’s here).

Anything else? Just say hello in the comments :).

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